Data is the new oil: Five tips to stop it from leaking

“Data in the 21st Century is like Oil in the 18th Century: an immensely, untapped valuable asset. Like oil, for those who see Data’s fundamental value and learn to extract and use it there will be huge rewards.” –

Ten years ago, we can’t even imagine anything that will surpass the oil industry in terms of profit and scale. It’s jarring when Wired said that We’re in a digital economy where data is more valuable than ever. It’s the key to the smooth functionality of everything from the government to local companies. Without it, progress would halt.”
It’s all that more jarring when you think about what “data” actually is: it’s your movements, habits, and preferences as you open your Facebook or watch a content from YouTube. That’s right, the biggest industry of our modern time is directly related to the mundane tasks we do every day.
With all the positives, there should be some negatives – digital threats, to be specific. CSOnline predicts that by 2021, there would be $6 Trillion worth of cybercrime damage annually and up to 200 billion IoT devices will need securing.
This makes securing data all the more relevant by today’s standards. With that in mind, here are five basic steps inspired by that will be good foundations in making your data free from leakage.

1. Identify Crucial Data

Companies must know how to identify which data is most important to them. This means being able to categorize and sort data according to which of them needs the most protection. This is different per field as there are different hierarchies of importance depending on which areas your company mainly operates in.
Organizations must utilize a data protection strategy. This can be done easier with advanced tools for document management like Enadoc with its Tag Cloud system that allows easy access and management of tags and categories. Its Hexagonal Security system also gives it the power to secure files using a six-layer parameter.

2. Monitor Access

The next step is to monitor the traffic that your company generates. Give close attention to all the networks and all the transactions that goes in and out of each department. Prioritize automation in discovering, mapping, and tracking of what is deployed across the entire business.
Thankfully, modern IT solutions like Office 365 and Microsoft Enterprise bundles alleviate most of the transition and utilization problem for most companies. Track and manage accessibility options with a few clicks.

3. Use Encryption

Consider encrypting any private, confidential, and sensitive information. While it is not impenetrable, it is still one of the most effective and accessible countermeasures against cybercrime. Accompany it with proper training and orientation to bring the whole company together in a unified effort for cybersecurity.
Enabling encryption across many channels of a company’s network is a quick fix and a reliable way to improve your overall cybersecurity posture by miles.

4. Train Manpower

With the rise of mobile technology, the entry point for hackers and cyber criminals jumped tenfold. Most of cybersecurity attacks are done through exploiting the weakest links of the company: be it hardware, software, or even bad employee habits.
A company must focus on developing good cybersecurity habits from top to bottom. Do seminars on proper mobile and network usage, basic cybersecurity measures, what websites and emails to avoid, what to do in case of cyber emergencies, and how to use enterprise applications to its full potential. After all, a tool is only as good as the user.

5. Secure the Network Endpoints

It’s only considered a leakage if data exits your company network without your knowledge. Those thinking about reducing cost on cybersecurity can instead prioritize network endpoints and secure them to prevent anything from leaking out.
With the BYOD trend, endpoint management became more crucial because there are a lot more things to think about other than office units. There are now mobile phones linked to the company network as well as devices connecting to a lot of networks as an employee travels.
Solution? Get a secure IT Solution like Office 365 and avoid “free” apps, scattered across the internet. Office 365 provides a holistic cybersecurity measure across your company’s network whether its remote or in-house.
A laptop used on-the-go is as secure as a desktop unit at the office. Office 365 is not just a “work-anywhere” solution. With its constant updates and backed with Microsoft’s very own security division, it’s also a “be-secured-anywhere” solution.
You can check more about the basics of Office 365 with our free guide.

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