Cybersecurity: Three Ways to Hack against Hacking

Hackers have changed throughout the years. Back then, they started as people who had too much free time they taught themselves the ins and outs of technology. Nowadays? They influence a lot of areas in digital transformation. Ransomware, phishing sites, identity theft, even nationwide shutdowns of public and private infrastructures are now the many forms of cybersecurity threats that modern day hackers capitalize on.
Thankfully, the industries have adapted. Nowadays, many cybersecurity professionals are now embracing the skills hackers have. According to an article from The Guardian, companies are now paying hackers to hack them there are even hacking community conventions where these experts show off their latest hacking feats.
So how can we use these feats to be on our side against its own forerunners?

Convert Talent

A report from Frost and Sullivan found that there’s a demand of around 1.5 million unified cybersecurity positions by 2020. Thankfully, there’s a flood of talent in today’s market.
This is no surprise considering that cybersecurity is now anyone’s problem. Virtually, every personal and professional aspect is now at risk against the best of the hackers. Solution? Fight fire with fire.
In war, converting the enemy to your side is always a huge advantage. The same can be said in the ongoing war against cybersecurity threats.
Throughout the years, big companies have learned that sometimes all it takes to fight against hackers is to use hackers. Jeff Moss, the founder of Black Hat and DEF CON, was a hacker who got hired by the U.S. government as a consultant and now works as the chief security officer for the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).
However, this does not mean that you should hire every hacker you meet. For startups, the first step is to involve yourself in many events regarding cybersecurity. As a company, you should be ready to develop good incentives for talent. This helps you by giving your company skills you need and you also help the world by reducing the number of potential rogue hackers.

Invest in Cybersecurity Tools

Hacking demands a certain level of resourcefulness to pull off. After all, it revolves finding work-arounds of existing systems. Now, imagine if someone skillful enough to hack has more tools at his disposal.
As a decision maker, it is your job to invest and hone talent. Pick the correct people and give them access to tools that enhances the horizon of their creativity. Start with a good infrastructure like Microsoft Azure that serves as the foundation of app development across the company. Azure is a flexible tool for developing and deploying prototypes in a cloud environment.
Invest in sessions and brainstorming. Augment it with collaboration tools like Office 365 and Skype. The key is to maintain engagement with the creative and the talented. Who knows, maybe the solution to all your cybersecurity problems is just hiding behind a cup of coffee with your resident talent?


For all of this to happen, there should be layers of trust involved. If push comes to shove and you really can’t find the right “hackers” for your company, then Tech One Global is here to serve as your personal hacker. Our expertise in the field in providing business solutions and engaging cybersecurity threats in combat are all the hack that you need in this digitally disrupted world.
Let’s face it, investing in talent is a huge risk. Tech One Global alleviates that risk by providing you the key persons in taking the first step of digital transformation armed with the correct solutions tailored for your business.
We have the talent and the tools. Just drop us a message and we can work on the “trust” part. We’re ready to help you hack your way through digital transformation.

About Tech One Global
For over a decade Tech One Global has been committed to offering client-oriented services focused on facilitating Digital Transformation — efficiency, innovation, and creativity in the field of Information Technology (IT) and Cloud Computing. The company provides diverse services which caters to both enterprise and SMB clients as well as the Public sector including software development, enterprise software deployment and licensing, document management, and knowledge process outsourcing.

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