5 Reasons Why Azure Stack Disrupted Digital Transformation 2017

Cloud is the driving force of digital transformation and with data jumping in value every second, it will stay that way for a very long time. With that in mind, Microsoft revealed its secret weapon in the current cloud wars: Azure Stack.
Azure Stack is an extension of Azure with one key idea: it focuses on on-premise environments. This means that existing infrastructures can now have the same environment as those fully-operating in the cloud.
Here are five key points about Azure Stack:

1. Hybrid focused

Not everybody has the resources to spare for a cloud infrastructure. Most companies are reluctant in letting go of existing systems mainly because they still work and are reliable in keeping everything going.
Azure Stack recognizes these hurdles and opted to focus on going hybrid. This is a strong powerplay from Microsoft as not only does it overcome the hurdles of moving on to cloud but it also capitalizes on the fact that existing and working infrastructures can work as foundations of a hybrid infrastructure.
It eliminated the need for drastic changes and instead focused on small additions to existing working systems. A safe and a future-proof investment that works with a company’s current system? It’s a dream come true!

2. Azure Stack means easier transition

The development of Azure Stack was focused on one key problem for digital transformation: transition. The cloud is here and is here to stay; it only needed businesses to adapt to it and transition from on-premise to cloud.
Transition is hard especially for companies fully operating on on-premise infrastructure. Azure Stack brings to the table a lot of customizations for existing systems, allowing users to modify their experience and tailor a system that will work with existing ones. Azure Stack embraces the existence and reliability of on-premise infrastructures and hopes to work well with it.


3. Unified cybersecurity

Azure Stack streamlines business operations by unifying all infrastructures under one environment. Microsoft prides itself with its secure solution from Office 365 to Azure platforms.
Obviously, Azure Stack brings the same level of security to your existing infrastructures. By unifying your systems under Azure, you can expect easier tracking, monitoring, and securing of files across your company.

4. Streamlined business developments

Focusing on hybrid, it also has a lot of testing grounds for developing applications. Azure Stack lets companies deliver Azure services from the organization’s infrastructures with the same set of tools across the board.
It also has the capability to use a broad range of technologies including Java, Python, Node.js, PHP, Docker-integrated containers, Mesosphere DC/OS, and Cloud Foundry.

5. It’s Microsoft — They just know

Investing in Azure means investing in Microsoft. Through the years, Microsoft has proven itself to be the most flexible technology provider on the planet. Azure Stack is just one of the innovations and there will be a lot more coming especially now that digital transformation is now more accessible than ever through hybrid.
Azure Stack is a strong contender in today’s cloud-first, mobile-first world. It’s a testament as to how Microsoft listens to its customers and adapts to the needs that surface.
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