Cybersecurity and AI: Three Questions to Ask When Dealing With AI

In today’s time, probably you already came across with these concepts over the internet: Artificial Intelligence and World War 3. And Elon Musk, with his statements and tweets talking about the dangers of artificial intelligence, implies that the most probable arms race won’t be nuclear, but artificial intelligence.
Musk is not alone in considering artificial intelligence as a top priority. Even the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, said that “whoever becomes the leader in this area (artificial intelligence) will rule the world.” This puts Artificial Intelligence as one of today’s top priorities in the field of IT, and of course, cybersecurity.
As one of the key pillars of digital transformation along with cloud and data, artificial intelligence and automation serve as the perceivable end goal of digital innovations and achieving optimal cybersecurity posture. With that in mind, here are a few questions to ask when exploring the capabilities of AI:

How much do you use AI?

According to theregister, nearly every technology provider is now claiming to be an AI company. But what does being an AI Company actually mean? As per CSO, it deals not with the presence of AI itself but how the company utilizes it. It’s a simple but tricky question that can help you determine how far you are in the initial stages of using AI.
Technically speaking, the “strong” AI does not exist yet and will probably be the case in the next 15 years. What we have now is just the foundation in the presence of cloud, data, and machine learning. Usage of AI can be measured on how we harness these technologies to derive decisions and how much it impacts our daily lives.
Do you use analytics? Do you gather data by automating your channels? How do you measure and automate business processes? These are key questions that can help you understand your company’s stand in this era of digital transformation.

How does it help me with cybersecurity?

Much like any technology, artificial intelligence is also a possible entry point for cybersecurity attacks. Thankfully, it also doubles as another layer of security. reports that a cloud-based AI was able to find 10 security bugs in LinkedIn named the Cloud-AI. This is big news considering that the boom of Internet of Things (IoT) is starting to open up more vulnerabilities in our society’s overall cybersecurity posture.
Artificial intelligence on cybersecurity brought positive changes to LinkedIn by fixing the following issues:

  • Leakage on user emails, phone numbers, and other personal information
  • LinkedIn requests randomly being deleted
  • Unauthorized downloading of video transcripts from Lynda
  • Unauthorized access to Lynda’s exercise files

As a fundamental part of IoT, AI is one of the keys in the fight against cybercrime. A testament to this is the countless developments across the globe, one being the “AI2” system from MIT that uses an AI system to predict 85% of oncoming cyberattacks.


How ready are you for artificial intelligence?

The questions above are for companies that are already exploring artificial intelligence, but what if you’re not yet one of them? What about the small startups and medium enterprises that are just starting to get ready?
Business readiness is one of the key issues not only in cybersecurity and artificial intelligence but in digital transformation as a whole. It’s a lot to talk about, but one thing to keep in mind is to start as early as possible with your digital transformation journey. How? By using up-to-date and secured business productivity solutions like Microsoft’s Office 365 that helps employees adjust as soon as possible in the modern-day workplace.
Start by identifying key parts of your business operations that you can automate. Along with Office 365, Azure, and SharePoint are there to tailor apps across all your business processes. From document management and sorting, to more robust systems for communication, on-the-go collaboration, data gathering, and data analytics, Microsoft has everything you need to help you adjust and make your transition. Tech One Global along with Microsoft will be there until you reach a secured and fully automated business infrastructure.
It’s a race. Give yourself a head start by partnering with Tech One Global. Just drop a message and we’ll be there to help you.

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