2021 Year-end Video – Tech One Global

December 29, 2021 The New Year is the new beginning of new ventures and new opportunities. We will continue to see success as we did this year. Here’s Tech One Global’s 2021 Year-end video. Wishing all our employees and clients a happy and prosperous new year.
Empower. Enable. Accelerate: Reimagining the BPO Future of Work

December 14, 2021 Tech One Global Philippines and Microsoft presented a webinar entitled “Empower. Enable. Accelerate: Reimagining the BPO Future of Work” on December 9, 2021. This online session aims to: Empower BPO companies to unleash their fullest potential and train the workforce today into what the BPO industry needs as the workforce of tomorrow. […]
HR 201 Files: Audit and Compliance in the Philippines

Reimagining the BPO Future of Work

Need a BOSS? (Business Outsourced Scanning Services)

Accelerating Business Process through Digital Transformation with Tech One Global

Many organizations have started to realize the value of digital transformation for their business. And Tech One Global with our passion to Lead, Inspire, Motivate and Empower Businesses continues to keep you updated through our interactive virtual webinar entitled “Accelerating Business Process through Digital Transformation” about Thought Leadership on Digital Transformation and also to share […]
MiHCM Lite to deliver a superior employee experience and shape an engaging employee culture in the era of the hybrid workforce

Manila, Philippines — November 10, 2021 — Backed by over 20 years of HR domain expertise across diverse industry verticals, MiHCM Global HR technology partners with Tech One Global, one of the region’s leading technology solutions integrators, as they unveiled a revamped MiHCM Lite to empower small businesses with a simplified digital HR experience in the era of […]
Tech One Global Bangladesh Celebrates 12th year Anniversary

November 03, 2021 Today marks the 12 years of success and excellence of Tech One Global Bangladesh. Since 2009, we have been transforming the digital landscape and helping local talent to drive the vision of Digital Bangladesh. Tech One Global Bangladesh has digitally transformed more than 270 organizations in different industries such as Banking, Government, […]
Empowering Everyone to be a BOSS at Tech One Global

“A BOSS is responsible in what they do, take actions, responsibility and drive outcome. Lead, Inspire, Empower and Motivate.” Watch our video on “Empowering Everyone to be a BOSS at Tech One Global” from our COO and Co-founder Wasantha Weerakone.
Tech One Global and Microsoft on “Embracing Proactive Data Analytics and Security” for Bangladesh.

Oct 27, 2021, Dhaka Bangladesh — Tech One Global Bangladesh and Microsoft hosted an onsite dinner event in Renaissance Dhaka Gulshan Hotel, Bangladesh. The event entitled “Embracing Proactive Data Analytics and Security in the Now Normal” brought together more than 100 leaders and practitioners in the conglomerate and financial organizations. In his welcome speech, Mr. […]