Collaboration refers to getting work done in an organization by having colleagues work with each other seamlessly. But this is easier said than done. It is essential to have the right collaboration tools to effectively have your teams working together, be collaborative and productive for the organization to be profitable.
Nowadays, there are multiple tools and applications available promoting effective collaboration among co-workers. But are they really delivering what’s promised? This is where Microsoft 365 comes in handy.
Microsoft 365 is the all in one solution, building a holistic collaboration platform for its users. Here are a few tools in M365 that will help your organization experience seamless collaboration:
OneDrive is an integrated cloud storage space used to store electronic files, making syncing and sharing work documents easy and secure. With OneDrive for business, you can update, upload and sync documents through any device. You can work on the same documents with multiple colleagues simultaneously. You can control the document’s security when you share it to internal and external parties by setting the appropriate permissions. Users can modify or change content in real time based on the permission levels.
If you’re a department head running multiple teams across countries, Planner is a tool that will prove to be most useful. It is a task management tool created for teams to monitor productivity from anywhere, anytime. You can create projects, organize, assign and collaborate on tasks with your teammates. You can update task status, share files and access visual dashboards and allow email notifications to keep your team informed and updated.
Microsoft Exchange comes in handy with business class email and calendar organization. It comes with rich experience allowing business users to access their email and calendar via mobile, desktop, or web. Microsoft 365 Exchange offers unique features such as creating groups based on your preference—it can be a collection of recipients in the shared address book. You have access to an intelligent inbox with smarter features where it automatically suggests action items based on the content which appear in the email. Automatically capturing events and appointments from emails and providing suggestions are some of the best calendar features.
Teams is the fastest growing collaboration tool Microsoft introduced for business users to easily integrate all applications into one platform. This tool allows colleagues to connect, communicate, collaborate and build teamwork. You can collaborate not only with your internal employees but customers with guest access. With Teams, you can share files, have audio & video conference calls, manage your team and customize your workspace. With Exchange email hosting, you can also create a custom email domain to each channel you create.
Do you want to connect all your employees working across continents to share their opinions on company culture, share their ideas to help company grow and keep them informed and engaged? Great news is you already have Microsoft Yammer included in your Microsoft 365. With Yammer, you can easily bring your entire organization together and enable social networking within the organization to build your team strengths.
Your human resource department can now make important company announcements through Microsoft Yammer without having to send multiple emails where you might miss including few people. Have your new employees introduced and welcome having every employee informed.
Marketing and Sales team can keep the top management informed on their great wins and acquisitions with just a single post or share pictures. With Yammer, your team lead can praise their co-workers on their achievements without having to share multiple emails across the organization without having multiple email threads. Multiple departments and teams from different countries can share best practices to help company’s growth with just a click.
With Delve you can manage your office 365 profile and discover content to know more about what you and your colleagues are working on. It enables collaboration and allowing employees to find the right colleague and the content when needed. It shows users the most relevant content that they’re looking for. With its permission levels users will only see what they can access.
Office (Office Online)
With the Office online applications, you can talk with your co-editors in real time while you work on the same document. With office, it has shaped and transform the way people work in their organization. There are no copies or duplicated work co-authoring feature. And this can be done with any mobile or desktop device. With the co-authoring feature it strengthens the collaboration and helps to save time while improving productivity. With the new feature presenter coach in PowerPoint, it uses Artificial intelligence to provide users real-time, on-screen feedback to improve public speaking. With One-Note new features you can customize your notes according to your needs.