3 Reasons Why Small Businesses Should Have Enadoc as their DMS

Cost-cutting in the Wrong Places

Setting up a small business is not only a pain in the head, but also a pain in every owner’s pockets. To mitigate this challenge, startup managers have developed their own creative way to cut corners to save money, time, and space. Some bump off costs found in their operational expenses list, others eliminate expenditures in their core services. However resourceful, some are deemed ineffective and are proven to be harmful in the long run1.

Business owners often look in the wrong places in their backyard, and things are deceiving. As a matter of fact, some say that this component is well-embedded in the lifeblood of business – except it is quite the opposite. Managers don’t realize that this sneaky business component is the best place to start with for cutting costs – the suspect is the paper documents. Welcome to the 21st century where businesses are gearing towards Digital Transformation – the fourth industrial revolution – a paperless business ecosystem.

A Paperless Business Ecosystem

Papers are everywhere – from manuals to purchase orders – and these are indeed unavoidable. Paper documents on the other hand tell a different story. Documents can be either in a form of physical and digital but in reality, both hold the same merit in terms of validity and legitimacy 2. A system like Document Management System (DMS) can be of help in archiving and retrieving documents for your business. However, in terms of legality, some government mandates that the DMS businesses are using should be ISO compliant and comply to the government law for document imaging. Here’s an example for preserving employment and personnel records in electronic format in US Department of Labor 3. This spells a serious business implication on storing physical and digital documents.

A good DMS is not only cost-efficient and secure but more importantly, a compliant one.

That’s where Enadoc  comes in. Enadoc is an innovative, cloud-based enterprise document imaging system that is certified by Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM) and ISO compliant. Businesses in 21st century should transition to become paperless as the global business ecosystem shifts to become one. Shifting to be paperless is not only to follow the trend, but it also provides tremendous benefits for small businesses.

Enadoc is the most compliant, secure, and cost-efficient DMS in the market perfect for small businesses. In addition, Enadoc can provide your small business three benefits:

  1. Save money

Let’s accept it: humans are prone to errors, especially in handling information. Whether you like it or not, you need to compensate their work regardless. This is a matter that every business manager needs to be concerned about. Information handling is crucial in management landscape – and as the business grows, you need an automated system to do the work. Isn’t it more efficient to allocate personnel to do tasks that requires complex problem solving than to focus on archiving and retrieving files only, which can be done automatically? Enadoc is the tool fit for this job.

Based on a study done by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC), it costs $20 to file a document, $120 to find a misfiled document, and $220 to reproduce a lost document. Enadoc simplifies all the document imaging and management and ensures every document is filed under set compliance, allowing your staff to free up workloads. Enadoc, a powerful Document Management System can assist your staff for proper scanning and archiving for swift retrieval in the future. With a step as easy as 1-2-3, your business can save up to whopping $220 per document.

Not only your business can save time for efficient workforce, you can save a lot of money preventing data loss from physical server.

Documents are the sustaining factor of every businesses. Reports tell that businesses that suffered a major data loss were shut down immediately. Yes, backups are important, but where those backups are stored is more important to consider. Businesses have the option whether to store files in prone-to-disaster physical storage or on a secure cloud. With uncertainties in environment, human errors, and sudden change of the climate, it is prudent to store documents as well in a secure cloud. Whether fire, or earthquake, or flood break loose into your office, all your documents are safely stored in the cloud.

Additionally, for on-premise option, businesses suffer from costly maintenance and updates. Enadoc works as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). The good thing about Software as a Service (SaaS) is the automatic updates and fixes. You’ll never have to maintain and manually update your software to its latest version for issue fix, compatibility, and improvements.

  1. Save time

Spare yourself from complicated and inefficient archiving. Have you ever experienced looking for a file but couldn’t remember which folder to look into? Enadoc boasts its innovative feature called Tag Cloud. Simply scan the file using your favorite scanner or through its app Enadoc365, add your tags, and you’re done!

Tag cloud shows all the tags the user attached to all documents. Each library (i.e., HR, Finance, Logistics, etc.), has tags related to it. Here’s how Tag Cloud technology work in detail.

Enadoc doesn’t only allow you to save time from searching filing cabinets, but it also saves you time from strolling back-and-forth to filing cabinets and storage rooms.

HR and finance personnel (or every single employee in the office) carry the same burden – they walk to the filing cabinets or a storage room to retrieve the document they are looking for. Once they found the document, they walk back to their work station wasting hours of locating documents and walking back and forth.

Enadoc already addresses this problem: employees won’t have to stand up and leave their desks to look for a file – just open the Enadoc app, click tags, and retrieve documents in seconds anytime and anywhere.

  1. Save space

Less paper means more space for employees to work at. An office that houses piles of papers and documents incurs tremendous cost4 for repairs, room fees, electricity, cleaning cost, and management fees. Work spaces are for your employees’ personal and productive spaces – and are never intended to be a storage facility for pile of papers.

The president of Canon PH Marketing said that he imagines the Canon office should not be for papers and filing cabinets – where he could walk leisurely with spacious work place. In fact, they could un-clutter up their two to three rooms from papers to create more work spaces, he added. Workplaces become workplaces once again.

Interested to have Enadoc as the DMS for your small business? Start here! Give your business a gift of digitization! Welcome the new year without worrying about securing and losing your office files. Click here to learn more.


  1. http://balcroft.com/the-dangers-of-taking-cost-cutting-too-far/
  2. http://insight.thomsonreuters.com.au/posts/electronic-documents-can-law-office-go-paperless
  3. https://www.dol.gov/ofccp/regs/compliance/faqs/dir279faqs.htm
  4. https://www.commercialrealestate.com.au/news/how-much-does-it-cost-to-rent-office-space/

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