How to Promote Employee Engagement Effectively in your Organization: Tips for Growing Businesses

Employee engagement and culture transformation are current workplace buzzwords you hear day in, day out. If you were to describe employee engagement, how would you describe it? Simply it’s about having employees engaged, involved, informed and leading a happy workforce. Who should care about it? If you’re a business owner, a human resource practitioner, or an IT manager, you should. Today, empowering employees is a […]
Your Cheat Sheet to Office Productivity Tools: G Suite versus Zimbra versus Office 365

In choosing the right tool for workplace collaboration, picking from these top workplace selections: G Suite, Office 365, and Zimbra, can be quite daunting without the proper information and resources. Here’s your cheat sheet to start your evaluation process: G Suite: Features G Suite is one swiss army knife of office tools that banks on heavily […]